Working together on the legacy of events

This week Bilbao Convention Bureau, in collaboration with the social impact consultants specialised in MICE #Meet4Impact has organised two workshops o n the opportunities offered by events to build a positive impact and legacy in Bilbao . The objective was to provide members of Bilbao Convention Bureau, associates and members of #BilbaoArimaBerdea with the skills to develop a positive impact strategy, and to establish a network of local collaborators interested in introducing positive impact pilot projects in the city.

The sessions were led by Geneviève Leclerc, CEO and founder of #Meet4Impact, and Beatriz Ibañez, Senior Social Impact Consultant of the sa me organisation. The first workshop, in a proactive and relaxed setting, was attended by member companies of Bilbao Convention Bureau wishing to explore the potential of positive social impact offered by the events sector .

The second workshop was attended by congress organisers, members of research teams and universities who provided practical cases from our environment to which the knowledge from the previous session was applied.

Both workshops brought interesting opportunities for collaboration to the table and were a reflection of the interest of the members of Bilbao Convention Bureau and #BilbaoArimaBerdea in becoming an active part of a huge global movement that is leading the events sector to improve its positive impact and legacy in the host citie s, creating stable synergies and quantifiable improvements.

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