68th SEFH Congress, an example of commitment to SDGs from the hospital
pharmacy sector

Last week Bilbao Convention Bureau collaborated with the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (EFH) on the occasion of their 68 th congress . For the organisation, the event was the climax of a very active year in favour of sustainability from the professional practice of hospital pharmacy. Not without reason was the SEFH the first scientific association in Spain to join the United Nations Global Compact . Throughout the year it has been developing its 2023 Project +SOStenible through campaigns directed at minimising waste, reusing medicines, applying the gender perspective to health policies or undertaking to learn more about the social resources of the surrounding area, as well as other interesting professional initiatives.
As part of their commitment to sustainability, the 68th congress of the SEFH was designed with consideration for the environmental and social impact of bringing together 1300 professionals in Euskalduna Bilbao . With this goal, Bilbao Convention Bureau sent a detaile d questionnaire to participants which allowed them to measure their carbon footprint during their stay and while travelling around the city . Subsequently, the SEFH offset the 34.878 t of CO2 calculated through the planting of trees in Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve.
The delegates were also offered public transport alternatives , both for getting to Bilbao and for getting around the city, as thanks to the agreement of Bilbao Convention Bureau with Bilbao tram they were able t o enjoy free travel with this means of transport . The city’s Green Trails were also promoted. Information and awareness also played a key role over the three days of the SEFH congress in Bilbao: reduction of the consumption of paper, plastic, and other sup plies by offering alternatives such as reusable bottles and digital leaflet s , encouraging people to use stairs instead of lifts , not to pick up food and drink they are not going to consume , campaigns inciting people to lead the way in the reuse of medicine s in the workplace and in favour of SIGRE points…
In the social section, the SEFH made a donation to the Bizkaia Food Bank and commissioned their reusable bottles from Nahiarte , a school of art for intellectually and mentally challenged people in Bilbao . All these commitments and initiatives were listed in the “Decalogue of the sustainable delegate”, which we hope has arrived to stay at the SEFH. Congratulations!