Euskalduna Bilbao closed the 2023 financial year with an economic impact of more than 100 million euros in Bilbao and Bizkaia and almost 365,000 visitors. The record results in relevant areas such as income and number of international congresses, and an established cash flow in positive figures, continuing the positive line sustained over time since 2020, support the financial control path that enables the start of an investment strategy for improvements in the building, focussed on continuing with work to improve the accessibility and sustainability of the city’s Conference Centre and Concert Hall.
Euskalduna Bilbao celebrates its 25th anniversary with record figures, the over 8 million euros of income in 2023 representing a 20% increase with respect to the previous year, strengthening the position, meaning and capacity of the Conference Centre and Concert Hall that the capital opened on 19 February 1999. One of the best-known architectural emblems of the city confirms its cultural contribution and the pull that professional and business tourism has over Bilbao and Bizkaia as an international destination, contributing to the deseasonalisation.
2023, turnover record Meetings and Events
Congress-related activity (Meetings&Events) has generated a record income, close to 4 million euros and above the best figure to date which was set in 2018. Last year, Euskalduna Bilbao was the professional meeting place for 358 MICE events, generating almost 48.5% of the total turnover. With respect to 2022 -348 congress-type events with an income of 2.8 million euros- 2023 reflects a 38.59% increase in turnover, the result of a 3% increase in the number of events held.
In 2023, major international congresses were held, particularly in September, with a significantly high number of participants. This is another of the records for last year: the million-Euro barrier in income was exceeded in September. The nature of the events continues to be predominantly health-related (28%), technology takes second place (18%), sustainability as a subject for analysis and debate comes in third place (14%). Awareness and knowledge, accessibility and inclusion are in fourth place with the same percentages (11%).