Egurtek, the Forum for Architecture and Construction in Wood, is preparing its 10th edition; it is one of the most outstanding international events in the field of architecture and construction in wood. A leading event which, on 16 and 17 October, will reaffirm its commitment to promoting sustainable use of wood and will provide great opportunities for commercial and knowledge exchange.

The possibilities offered by this material will be demonstrated over the two days of the Conference, the only one in Spain devoted exclusively to architecture and wood. During the event, distinguished and renowned experts will present their outstanding work, offering their unique perspective on innovations and trends in the field. Egurtek has brought together architects as prestigious as Shigeru Ban, Michael Green, Sou Fujimoto, Alex de Rijke, Alvaro Siza, Cazu Zegers, Marcel Baumgartner, Alpo Ranta Maunus and Georg Wolfgang Reinberg, among many others.

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