From today, Bilbao is hosting the meeting of directors of United Nations Agencies as part of the first meeting of this kind held this year in Bilbao, the headquarters of the Local2030 Coalition Secretariat (United Nations).

The Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, opened the meeting, in which the mayoress of Bilbao, Amaia Arregi, also took part.

The meeting of directors and heads of the United Nations Agencies, Organisations and Programmes that form part of the Local2030 Coalition will be taking place from today and until next Friday.

These workshops were convened by UN-Habitat, the lead agency of the Local2030 Coalition Secretariat. This is the first meeting of its kind to bring together directors and heads of organisations such as UN-Habitat, FAO, UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, IOM and ECLAC. The meeting is chaired by Michal Mlynár, Executive Director of UN-Habitat.

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