The European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC) will bring together next year at BEC the main agents and companies in the sector to show the latest technological developments, promote networking and drive commercial opportunities.
Tecnalia, Ente Vasco de la Energía, Cluster de Energía and Bilbao Exhibition Centre will collaborate with the Spanish Hydrogen Association (AeH2) to organise in Bilbao the largest European hydrogen event, called the European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC), which will be held at BEC.
The event will address topics related to the entire hydrogen value chain, notably including generation, distribution, transport, storage and end uses of this energy vector, and aspects related to R&D in industrial projects will be tackled. This event was held on 18-20 May in Madrid and showed strong growth in attendees and participating companies. The conference is biennial and for the next edition it is planned to bring together experts and companies from the sector to share the latest technological developments, promote networking, create relevant contacts and promote commercial opportunities in the field of hydrogen.