Steel Tech, Congress&Expo will be certified as an Erronka Garbia event, a seal awarded by the Basque Government’s Ihobe-State-Owned Enterprise for Environmental Management, in recognition of its commitment to sustainability.

To achieve this certification, the event, which will take place from 25 to 27 October at BEC and is a benchmark meeting point for the steel industry, and implemented an impact reduction plan that proposes six lines of action: mobility, energy, water, procurement, infrastructure, and waste.

Examples of this are measures such as adjusting the intensity of light and temperature to the different time phases; reducing the energy use of the stands; minimising waste and its selective collection; using sustainable elements in signage and development awareness campaigns on these issues, and others that have an impact on the environment, such as public transport by attendees.

Furthermore, aware of the importance of sustainability in the current era, BEC has implemented several initiatives in renewable energies that reflect its firm intention to reduce its environmental footprint and promote responsible practices throughout its value chain. These actions include expanding its solar photovoltaic plant, which is dedicated to self-consumption for the supply of its energy needs and supplies 18%, as well as expanding its network of charging points for electric vehicles.

The inclusion of SteelTech as an Erronka Garbia-certified event joins the accreditations previously awarded to the Egurtek and Expovacaciones trade fairs organised by the Bilbao Exhibition Centre. In addition, BEC is currently working on obtaining new recognition for the 32nd edition of the International Machine Tool Biennial, which will take place in June 2024.

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