BIME will return to Bilbao from 29 October to 1 November with an agenda full of key questions about the current state of the global music industry. Professionals and artists of the stature of Scott Cohen, Alexandra Lioutikoff, Albert Pla, Maria José Llergo, Toni Segarra, Tamsy McL arty, Elijah, or Fermin Muguruza will be part of the BIME Pro programme.
After its successful visit to Bogota last spring, BIME, the world’s leading international music industry event, unveils today the first names and news of the programme for its fifteenth edition. Professionals, artists, students, institutions, brands and agents from all over the world will meet from 29 October to 1 November in the Biscayan capital, transforming the city into a forum where they can jointly draw the map that will guide the next chapter of music.