The Periodontology and Oral Health Congress, organised by the Spanish Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration (Sepa), is being held in Euskalduna Bilbao until Saturday, 1 June. It is a benchmark event for international Periodontics and Spanish Dentistry. It will address all clinical and scientific concepts and techniques in Periodontics and Implant Therapy in a very practical way and under the premise of scientific excellence-based clinical evidence. Interdisciplinary treatments, digitalisation and innovation, and dental practice management will also be discussed.

“The full capacity has been reached, with some 4,500 congress participants from fifty countries (48), making it one of the largest scientific meetings organised at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao to date, and, without doubt, the most important international dental congress this year,” says Dr Paula Matesanz, Vice-President of Sepa. Other significant data from the event include the contribution of 215 speakers, with some 70 participating companies, and, at certain times, there will be up to 28 simultaneous rooms with activity.

The meeting is held under the premise of scientific evidence-based clinical excellence. The conference is structured in three scientific itineraries, including thematic blocks of Dentists (Interdisciplinary, Digital and Periodontics), Hygiene (which this year, as a novelty, will start a day earlier) and Management, not forgetting the training and exhibition offer that will be housed in ExpoPerio.

Star Sessions

Of special relevance is the live surgery conducted from his clinic in Padua (Italy) by Dr Luca de Stavola, an internationally renowned expert who is a world leader in the management of blocks and bone plates in periodontology. In his presentation, he focused on the technique of computer-guided formwork in advanced bone defects, opening the debate to the audience via WhatsApp.

The Congress will also host the first results of the Promosalud programme, in which nearly 1,500 dental clinics are already participating and collecting information on the early detection of diabetes and high blood pressure in dental practices in Spain.

The scientific programme reflects the international character of the event, with joint sessions with the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), the International Team for Implantology (ITI), the Federación Iberopanamericana de Periodoncia (FIPP) and the Oral Reconstruction Foundation.

Bilbao’s added value

And, as if that were not enough, the meeting offers the added value of a city like Bilbao, which has filled all its hotel rooms during these days. As Dr Ion Zabalegui, patron, speaker and member of the Local Organising Committee, points out, “Bilbao never disappoints, and in this case, we will exceed extraordinary figures, making the capital of Bizkaia host the most important and largest congress it has ever had”. In this sense, the Basque expert recalls the impetus given by Sepa Bilbao 2008 (which had already broken records in terms of the participation). He also points out “the importance of basing the programme on clinical excellence based on scientific evidence, as well as placing value on the training of the entire dental team, an objective covered by this meeting”, he concludes.

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