This morning saw the presentation of the 32nd edition of BIEMH, the leading international trade fair for advanced manufacturing, which will run from 3 to 7 June at Bilbao Exhibition Centre. The press conference was attended by Xabier Basañez, the General Manager of BEC, Xabier Ortueta, the General Manager of AFM Cluster, José Ignacio Ortiz de Urbina, the President of AIMHE, José Pérez Berdud, the President of AFM Cluster, and Mari Carmen Gorostiza, the Event Manager of BIEMH, International Machine Tool Biennial.

With more than 1,500 exhibiting firms from 29 countries and over 3,500 products and services, BIEMH 2024 will feature large machinery in operation and will take pla ce in the six halls of BEC, which will be hosting, in parallel, ADDITƐD, BeDIGITAL and WORKinn Talent Hub. It will be a real industrial and technological show, with a major international presence, including countries such as Germany, Italy, Portugal, the USA, Japan, Taiwan and Turkey. The distribution is clearly broken down by sector.

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