Bilboko Kalealdia improves accessibility and once again receives Erronka Garbia certification

The Festival of Street Art and Theatre BILBOKO KALEALDIA, this year celebrating its 25th edition, has set itself two goals: to be more accessible so that the programme reaches the maximum number of people possible and secondly, to establish itself as a sustainable event, being more respectful of the environment where the performances take place.

To make the cultural programme more accessible to all types of audience, BILBOKO KALEALDIA is to introduce a series of measures that will be increased in future editions. First, the only two shows with text in this edition “Troya” by Kamikaz Kolektiboa (on 2 July at 19:15 at the pergola in Doña Casilda Park) and “Agurea, urpekaria eta itsasoa”, by Hortzmuga Teatroa (on 3 July at 17:45 and 20:30 by the duck pond in Doña Casilda park) will have a sign language interpreter.

In addition, there will be spaces reserved for people with restricted mobility or low vision at the shows “Bueltaxka” by Osa & Mujika (1 July at 18:30 and 20:30 at the Doña Casilda pergola), “Erroak” by Loratzen Dantza Taldea (2 July at 18:15 and 21:15 in the vicinity of the Fine Arts Museum), “Welcome & Sorry” by Ganso & Cía. (3 July at 18:30 and 21:00 at the Doña Casilda pergola), “Piti Peta Hofen Show” by Cie. Los Putos Makinas (4 July at 18:15 and 21:00 in the vicinity of the Fine Arts Museum), “Mute” by Orain Bi Zirko Teatro (5 July at 18:15 by the duck pond) and “NOEUD” by Dab Dantza Konpainia (6 July at 19:30 at the pergola in Doña Casilda Park).

Another measure that will help to improve accessibility are the adapted hand programmes that use pictograms, larger lettering, a map with instructions for accessibility and locations, etc. In addition, this year BILBOKO KALEALDIA will have specialised personnel trained in accessibility, at the disposal of anyone who needs help at the Information Point in Doña Casilda Iturrizar Park.


Like last year, in this edition BILBOKO KALEALDIA has received the Erronka Garbia certification, awarded by the public company IHOBE of the Basque Government. With this seal of approval, the City Council has undertaken to include in the Festival measures aimed at improving environmental impact in different areas including mobility, energy, water, purchasing and infrastructures, and waste.

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