Bilbao has been selected as the global host for the GEM Entrepreneurship Monitor Global 2025 meeting, the insignia event in the global sphere of entrepreneurship. The announcement was made during the presentation of the Global report of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2023/2024, held in Morocco. The meeting is supported by Bilbao City Council, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Basque Government, through SPRI.
EEB-OVE the Basque Entrepreneurship Observatory (GEM Basque Country) submitted the city’s application, highlighting the key points which supported its selection: Euskadi stands out for having an excellent entrepreneurial system, leading the national ranking with a score above the European Union average and similar to that of the United States.
With 20 years of experience, the EEB-OVE research team has a solid record of experience in measuring the entrepreneurial phenomenon in the Basque Country, with the support of three Basque Universities: University of the Basque Country- Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, University of Deusto and Mondragon University. In addition, Bilbao is ranked among the Top 10 of the best European cities for foreign investment. The attraction of foreign investment places Bilbao as one of the best investment destination cities in Europe.
Bilbao, selected as the primary venue for the world’s leading entrepreneurship event, is set to become the epicentre of entrepreneurship in the global sphere. The presence of renowned academics and experts from over 50 countries at the conference will significantly enhance knowledge about the entrepreneurial phenomenon. The global exchange of ideas will not only encourage a deeper understanding, but also create valuable opportunities for international collaboration for Bilbao, Bizkaia and Euskadi.